TomTom Completely Re-Designs The GPS Sport Watch

New ultra-slim watches deliver at-a-glance performance information to make it easier for runners, cyclists and swimmers to achieve their goals

TomTom today launches anew range of GPS watches to deliver at-a-glance performanceinformation for runners, cyclists and swimmers. The new,ultra-slim TomTom Runner and TomTom Multi-Sport GPSsport watches feature an extra-large display, full-screen graphical trainingtools and the industrys first one-button control to make it easier for usersto access the information needed to stay motivated and achieve their goals.

Weknow that most GPS watches on the market are too bulky and complicated to usewhile training. said Corinne Vigreux, managingdirector, TomTom Consumer. Just as we developed easy-to-usenavigation products that changed the way that people move from A to B, we havedeveloped a range of ultra-slim GPS sportwatches that are far more comfortable to wear and far easier to use.Runners and multi-sport athletes can now view their performance informationat-a-glance, making it easier to achieve their fitness goals.

Extra Large,High-Resolution Display:
The new TomTom watchesfeature an extra-large, high-resolution and high-contrast display that makes iteasy for runners and multi-sport enthusiasts to quickly see their distance,time and pace while they workout, even in bright sunshine.

Graphical Training Partner:
The new watches featureTomToms Graphical Training Partner. Easy-to-read full-screen graphics helpusers get the most out of their workouts. They can view their real-timeperformance at-a-glance with three graphical training modes:

Race: Race against apersonal best or most recent run. Quickly track performance with real-timegraphics, to continue to improve run-after-run.

Goal: Set a distance,time or calorie goal and see progress toward that goal with simple, full-screengraphics and alerts.

Zone: Set a target forpace or heart-rate (with optional heart-rate monitor) and track progress in asimple full-screen graph throughout a workout.One-Button Control

The new TomTom rangeincludes an intuitive One-Button Control that enables users to easily navigateup-down-left-right through menus to access key stats and watch features. Unlikethe majority of existing GPS watches on the market that feature multiple smalland hard-to-operate buttons, the one-button control is easy to operate whilemoving and can be easily controlled in all weather conditions and while wearing gloves.

Infos: TomTom Sport




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